Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Beginning of the year chaos!

As many of you teachers know, the first couple weeks of school are always chaotic! You're working on getting to know your kids. Also, trying to get them into routine and teach them your new routines! It seems like there is never enough time in the day!

Especially this year, my school has gone to a co-teaching model! I, myself, am the general ed co-teacher for second grade! Sadly I share my wonderful co-teacher with first grade! (yes we are a split co-teaching model this year) So of course it makes things interesting when I am alone with these children with out my right hand girl/co-teacher!! But so far, we are surviving, and my students this year are wonderful, it is a total different group from last year! 

Three full weeks, and everything is still running smoothly and under control! (*fingers crossed this trend continues!*) All of our beginning of the year testing is done, we're slowly settling into our day to day routines, and I'm really getting to know my students and vise-versa! I even survived out Open House this year already! So this is why I have been busy and is the reason for my lack of posts!

But to share a goodie!!

My classroom theme as you have seen is Monsters!! So at the beginning of the year activity I like to read 
and have students create their own monsters and then write about it! So of course I created something! and when you allow students to be creative themselves, they won't disappoint! here are some examples!

They had so much fun creating things and writing about them! You'd be surprised how much you learn about your students, just from doing a fun, hands on, creative activity like this!!!

If you like what you see here, you can find it in my TPT store!
So I know I am new at this blogging thing, and may not get many viewers, but I am going to continue, because what is the harm! Someone will come across these hidden gems one day!

To those that do come across this page and enjoy it, please share it with others!!! I love to share what I have, and I love input and hearing what others have to share!

But for now! Have a wonderful weeeeeek!


  1. Hey! I just came across your blog. Those monsters are so cute! :)

    I'm your newest follower. Good luck and I hope you continue posting!
